Bridge The Gap Unit 5

Bridge the Gap Welcome to Month 5/Unit 5 This unit marks the beginning of a series of three Gypsy songs we will learn. Do NOT be deceived! These songs are PACKED with simple application of finger independence, 3rd position, and speed/dexterity, applied in JUST the...

Bridge The Gap Unit 4

Bridge the Gap Welcome to Month 4/Unit 4 This unit presents fewer technique lessons. At this point, you have a lot on your plate. Allow yourself to idle for a while and get accustomed to your new practice regimen, including basic scale work, bow distribution,...

Bridge The Gap Unit 3

Bridge the Gap Welcome to Unit 3/Month 3 How is the juggling coming? Can you “Rock and Roll” yet? Please continue to review all Rolland exercises. The benefit is CUMULATIVE, like sedimentary rock! If you start to feel overwhelmed, try to re-frame it in...

Bridge The Gap Unit 2

Bridge the Gap Welcome to Unit 2/Month 2 During this unit, I want you to pay particular attention to the Rolland exercises. Review Exercises 1-3 from Unit 1, and include them as you work on Exercises 4 and 5.  They take LITTLE time and will impact your playing alot....

Bridge The Gap Unit 1

Bridge the Gap Welcome to Unit 1/Month 1 This first unit will be the heaviest. Pace yourself, and if it takes longer than 1 month, don’t panic! Just be consistent, and work your way steadily through each assignment. Give yourself time to absorb important new...